Google (aka Alphabet) Is About to Surpass Apple as the Most Valuable Company In the Galaxy

Google (aka Alphabet) Is About to Surpass Apple as the Most Valuable Company In the Galaxy

Google had a big 2015: It changed its logo , divvied up its business into startups like Sidewalk, Calico, X, Fiber, and consolidated all those companies into one brand named Alphabet . Now Alphabet is very, very close to being named the world's most valuable company—yes, more valuable than Apple . The suite of companies that now form Google's overarching powerbrand has been doing very well, and was valued today at over $500 billion, nearly closing the gap with its Silicon Valley rival Apple. Meanwhile, Apple has not been doing as hot. Humans simply are not buying phones like they used to, which could destroy Apple, since the company relies on iPhone sales for more than half of its revenue. Meanwhile, what does Alphabet have going for it? Well, Google (and I meant the original Google) is still the king of advertising, of course, even when it masquerades as an " urban think tank ," and Alphabet's offerings are heralding a new age of autonomous vehicles , secret robots ,

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