12 Most Influential Books Every Programmer / Developer Must Read | FromDev
Code Complete 
"Code Complete: A practical handbook of Software Construction" is written by Steve McConnell and the first edition provided classical programming information while the second edition provides chapters related to C++ and Java programming, which helps to improve the overall capabilities of a developer and resolve doubts. The book provides information on how to write high quality code, use variables and statements. It helps to improve software craftsmanship of a programmer as well. Author Site:
Code Complete
Pragmatic Programmer 
The book "The Pragmatic Programmer" explains the mechanics of programming which helps you to write flexible and adaptable code. It provides guidelines to use tools and test codes effectively. Moreover, it provides many concepts to develop high quality code, and uses the pragmatic approach towards programming. Author Site:
The Pragmatic ProgrammerRead full article from 12 Most Influential Books Every Programmer / Developer Must Read | FromDev
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