This is a problem from Topcoder: ChessKnight Problem Statement
A nice explanation of the solution can be found in the editorial here: 2005 TopCoder Collegiate Challenge
The problem can be solved if we write a function:
1 | double FindProbability(x, y, step) |
Given a position (x,y), the knight can move to 8 other locations. Hence, the probability that the knight will move to each of those 8 positions is 1/8.
There are 2 possible base cases:
- If the position (x,y) is outside the board, then the probability that it is within the board is 0. So we just in this case
return 0;
- If step == 0, then we have no more moves left. In this case if the passed parameter (x,y) is within the board, then we
return 1;
Once the base cases are figured out, it is easy to see that the recursion would be something like:
FindProbability(x, y, step) =
where next_x, next_y are the possible next positions of the knight at position (x,y).
There are a lot of overlapping computations in the above recursion. There might be numerous calls to the function
For this, a 3D array
Read full article from (8) Given the position(x, y) of a knight on an 8X8 chess board, what is the probability that it stays within the chess board after n moves? - Quora
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