frequently asked technical interview questions list | Technical interview solutions

frequently asked technical interview questions list | Technical interview solutions

  • Minimum Window Substring (Java)
  • Find whether a word can be formed by two words in a dictionary
  • Design a microprocessor
  • Next Nodes in Binary Trees
  • Permutations II (Java)
  • String Matching
  • Bit Operations
  • public class Solution { public boolean isInterl…
  • Max Points on a Line(Java)
  • Permutations (Java)
  • Single Number
  • Majorities in Arrays
  • Search in a rotated array.
  • Palindrome Numbers
  • Find the missing number.
  • Trapping Rain Water (Java + Python)
  • Anagrams (Java)
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Java)
  • Search and Sort
  • Substring with Concatenation of All Words
  • Detect cycle in a directed graph
  • Sort array of 3 distinct integers
  • Probabilities of Dice Points
  • Combination Sum
  • Remove duplicate elements in a string
  • Find the Next Palindrome
  • Calculating 1+2+…+n
  • Write C code to implement the strstr function.
  • Robot Move
  • Difference between 32-bit OS and 64 bit OS.
  • Reversing Words and Rotating Strings
  • Time of Occurrences in a Sorted Array
  • Decode messages encoded with Substitution Cipher
  • Match two board configurations of tic-tac-toe problem
  • Find out non repeating numbers
  • Simplify Path (Java)
  • Push and Pop Sequence of Stacks
  • Replace Blanks in a String
  • Search a 2D Matrix (Java + Python)
  • Find an element in a rotated sorted array.
  • Largest Rectangle in Histogram (Java)
  • Data Containers
  • N-Queens (Java)
  • Implement stack using linked list
  • Search in Rotated Sorted Array (Java+Python)
  • Figures to Visualize Problems
  • Distinct Subsequences (Java)
  • Write a function that computes log2() using sqrt()
  • Reverse characters of each word in a sentence
  • Sum in Sequences
  • Divide Two Integers
  • 3 Sum
  • Implement strStr(). Java
  • Build a Stack with Two Queues
  • Find kth number in a BST
  • Valid Palindrome (Java)
  • Searching words in a evrybig file
  • Remove Nth Node From End of List (Java)
  • Edit Distance (Java)
  • Kth largest number
  • Find non repeating element in an array
  • Minimum cost for painting a row houses in three different colors
  • Divergent Thinking Skills
  • Find Least height tree of an acyclic undirected unweighted connected graph?
  • Valid Sudoku (Java)
  • Counter in a loop
  • Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (Java)
  • Scramble String (Java)
  • Difference between COM and CORBA.
  • 4 Sum (Java)
  • Unique Paths Java
  • Valid Parentheses ( Java + Python)
  • Binary Tree Postorder Traversal (Java)
  • Reversed Pairs in Array
  • Integer Value from a String
  • Find all unique triplets in a set which gives the sum of zero.
  • Loop in a linked list
  • Insertion Sort List (Java)
  • Implement a Queue using only Stacks
  • Write a program to remove duplicate elements from array
  • Queue with push_rear(), pop_front() and get_min() in constant time
  • Number of 1s in Binary
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Binary Search Trees and Double-Linked Lists
  • Find the number of occurrences of the words of the first line such that in a given sub string all the words of the line appear exactly once
  • Searching in 2D sorted matrix.
  • Numbers Occurring Only Once
  • Write a program that prints an unordered sets of k elements chosen from a set of size n
  • Change making problem – Dynamic Programming
  • Print Binary Trees Level by Level
  • Design class Phone-Book
  • Subsets (Java)
  • Hash Tables for Characters
  • Write an algorithm to print the Power set.
  • Given a Binary Search Tree, iterate over the elements without using recursion
  • Ugly Numbers
  • Copy List with Random Pointer (Java)
  • Binary Search in Partially Sorted Arrays
  • Find all elements that appear more than n/2 times in a given list.
  • Median in a Stream
  • Sort Lists
  • Power of Integers
  • Given a file with a lot of words (10 million) find out the top 10% most frequently occurring words
  • Count and Say (Java)
  • How will you save binary tree in a disk such that you can retrieve it later
  • Intersection of Sorted Arrays
  • Roman To Integer
  • Clone Graph (Java)
  • Integer to Roman
  • LeetCode Word Search (Java)
  • Remove Element
  • Merge Intervals (Java)
  • Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum (Java)
  • Given sorted arrays of length n and 2n with n elements each, merge first array into second array
  • Buy and sell stocks
  • Digit 1 Appears in Sequence from 1 to n
  • What is web service?
  • Surround Regions (Java)
  • Duplication in an Array
  • Given 2 arrays of numbers find if each of the two arrays have the same set of integers
  • Number of occurrences of a number in a sorted array.
  • Rotate List (Java)
  • Concatenate an Array to Get a Minimum Number
  • Middle element in a linked list
  • Print Matrix in Spiral Order
  • First Missing Positive (Java)
  • Triangle (Java)
  • Minimal Number of Coins for Change
  • Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List (Java)
  • Maximum distance with 50 bikes and a tank of capacity 100 kms
  • Validate a Binary Search Tree
  • Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Ja…
  • Palindrome Number (Java and Python)
  • Next Permutation (Java)
  • Rotate an array to the left or right by a given number.
  • Space-Time Trade-Off
  • Palindrome Partitioning (Java)
  • Pow(x, n) (Java)
  • Longest Valid Parentheses (Java)
  • Reverse Nodes in k-Group
  • Path Sum (Java and Python)
  • Divisibility of a number by 3
  • Search for a Range (Java)
  • Generate Parentheses (Java)
  • Sort List
  • Search in a 2-D Matrix
  • Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree (Java)
  • Remove all occurrences of a string in another string
  • Clone Complex Lists
  • Write a solid, secure code for strstr()
  • Multiply Strings Java
  • Single Number II
  • Linked Lists
  • Jump Game II (java)
  • Decode Ways (Java)
  • String to Integer (atoi)
  • Jump Game (Java)
  • Strings in Java
  • Linked list to a height balanced BST
  • Combinations (Java)
  • Loop in List
  • Binary Search Tree Verification
  • Complexity of build-heap procedure.
  • Unique Binary Search Trees II
  • Space complexity of Quick Sort algorithm
  • Find common elements in two unique sorted arrays
  • Stack and Queue
  • Merge two sorted arrays without extra space
  • Convert a Binary Search Tree to a sorted doubly circular Linked list
  • A queue with constant time operations
  • Recover Binary Search Tree
  • Last Number in a Circle
  • Application of Binary Tree Traversals
  • Maximum and Minimum element of an array in least comparisons
  • Find the intervals from a set of intervals in which a given point lies
  • Write a program to compact spaces in a string
  • Unique Binary Search
  • Minimum Number of Moves to Sort Cards
  • Find all the intervals (i, j) where the number of 0s and numbers of 1s are equal in an array of 0s and 1s
  • Binary Search Tree to a Doubly Linked List
  • Minimum number of comparisons required to find the largest and the second largest elements in an array
  • Find if a string is Palindrome ignoring special characters.
  • Minimum k Numbers
  • Implementation of +, -, *, and /
  • Modified two color sorting problem.
  • Maximal Rectangle (Java)
  • Number of 1s in an integer number.
  • Delete Nodes from a List
  • Big Numbers as Strings
  • Print a singly-linked list backwards, in constant space and linear time
  • Implement queue using stack
  • Robustness
  • Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II (Ja…
  • Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder T…
  • What are DLLs?
  • Word Ladder (Java)
  • Merge K Sorted List
  • Find the missing number in the array
  • Maximum and minimum number of tuples in a natural join
  • Implement strStr()
  • Spiral Matrix II ( Java + Python)
  • Reverse Nodes in k-Group (Java)
  • Print Lists from Tail to Head
  • Reverse a string – word by word
  • Set Matrix Zeros (Java and Python)
  • Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Tr…
  • Add Two Numbers (Java)
  • Remove extra brackets from a paranthesized expression
  • Print a binary tree in level order
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III (Java)
  • Fibonacci Sequence
  • Smallest substring containing all the characters
  • Greatest Sum of Sub-Arrays
  • Merge k sorted list of size n
  • Spiral Matrix (Java)
  • Multiplcation of an array without division
  • Give a Data Structure that will be helpful to do prefix search in a dictionary
  • Edit Distance
  • Reverse a linked list k at a time
  • Interleaving String (Java)
  • Median of two sorted arrays
  • String Path in Matrix
  • An array contains both negative and positive numbers, find out the largest sum formed by a consecutive sub-array
  • Reverse a List
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
  • Path Sum II (Java)
  • Lowest Common Parent Node in a Tree
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Java)
  • loop in a list
  • Palindromic Linked List
  • Pascal's Triangle II Java+Python
  • Recursion and Iteration
  • Cycle in a Linked List
  • Thread Scheduler
  • Anagrams
  • Given a string, remove all the duplicate characters
  • kth smallest element in two sorted arrays
  • Find unbiased decision out of a biased coin.
  • K smalled elements from a set on N numbers
  • Find the sub-array with the largest sum
  • Minimal Times of Presses on Keyboards
  • How does HTTP works?
  • Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (Python and Java)
  • Distance between Hash Map and Hash Table
  • Validate Binary Search Tree (Java)
  • Sum Root to Leaf Numbers(Java and Python)
  • Traversal of a robot in mxn grid
  • Longest Common Prefix (Java)
  • Candy (Java)
  • Gas Station (Java)
  • Sudoku Solver (Java)
  • Traversal Sequences and Binary Trees
  • Add Binary (Java)
  • Allocate and unallocate numbers randomly from a list
  • Partition Numbers in Arrays
  • Insert Interval (Java)
  • Combination Sum II (Java)
  • Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (Java)
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II (Java)
  • Valid Number ( Java )
  • Maximum value in a Sliding Window
  • Reverse a doubly Linked List
  • Build a Queue with Two Stacks
  • 3Sum Closest (Java)
  • Mirror of Binary Trees
  • Test cases for overlap of rectangles
  • The Interviewer's Comments
  • Restore IP Addresses (Java)
  • Stack with Min Function
  • Final/Sealed Classes in C++
  • Interval where number of 0s and 1s are equal
  • Maximum in a Queue
  • Find element in a sorted rotated array.
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Finding non-anagramic strings in a list
  • Minimum Path Sum (Java)
  • Swap Nodes in Pairs
  • Regular Expression Matching
  • Climbing Stairs
  • Find a matrix of 3×3 such that each row, column and diagonal forms a valid word in the dictionary
  • kth Node from End
  • What are Virtual Methods
  • Given a preorder and a postorder traversal, construct the tree.
  • Remove duplicate entries in an array.
  • First Intersection Node in Two Lists
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II (Python + J…
  • Container With Most Water
  • Replace all occurrence of the given pattern to 'X'
  • Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
  • Given a sorted, shifted array find the minimum element
  • Merge two sorted arrays
  • Paths in Binary Trees
  • Find the first out of order character in a string
  • Partition List (Java)
  • List Intersection Problem
  • Mathematical Modeling Skill
  • Array Construction
  • Trees
  • Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms
  • Reverse Linked List II (Java)
  • Number of ways of summing to 'n'
  • Write a program to print the permutations of the array containing number in lexicographical order
  • Substring with Concatenation of All Words (Java)
  • Most Profit from Stock
  • Make a left right sibling tree
  • Given a string find the first un-repeated character in it
  • Substructures in Trees
  • Sqrt(x) (Java)
  • What are dangling pointers
  • Sort List (Java)
  • Word Break
  • Interleaving of strings
  • Rotate Image (Java)

  • Read full article from frequently asked technical interview questions list | Technical interview solutions

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