Check if an array can be divided into pairs whose sum is divisible by k - GeeksforGeeks

Check if an array can be divided into pairs whose sum is divisible by k - GeeksforGeeks

Check if an array can be divided into pairs whose sum is divisible by k

Given an array of integers and a number k, write a function that returns true if given array can be divided into pairs such that sum of every pair is divisible by k.


Input: arr[] = {9, 7, 5, 3}, k = 6  Output: True  We can divide array into (9, 3) and (7, 5).  Sum of both of these pairs is a multiple of 6.    Input: arr[] = {92, 75, 65, 48, 45, 35}, k = 10  Output: True  We can divide array into (92, 48), (75, 65) and   (45, 35). Sum of all these pairs is a multiple of 10.    Input: arr[] = {91, 74, 66, 48}, k = 10  Output: False  

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A Simple Solution is to iterate through every element arr[i]. Find if there is another not yet visited element that has remainder as (k – arr[i]%k). If there is no such element, return false. If a pair is found, then mark both elements as visited. Time complexity of this solution is O(n2 and it requires O(n) extra space.

An Efficient Solution is to use Hashing.

1) If length of  given array is odd, return false. An odd     length array cannot be divided in pairs.  2) Traverse input array array and count occurrences of     all remainders.         freq[arr[i] % k]++  3) Traverse input array again.      a) Find remainder of current element.     b) If remainder divides k into two halves, then        there must be even occurrences of it as it forms        pair with itself only.     c) Else, number of occurrences of current remainder         must be equal to number of occurrences of "k -        current remainder".  

Time complexity of above algorithm is O(n).

Below implementation uses map in C++ STL. The map is typically implemented using Red-Black Tree and takes O(Log n) time for access. Therefore time complexity of below implementation is O(n Log n), but the algorithm can be easily implemented in O(n) time using hash table.

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