Java shines brightest in language popularity | JavaWorld

Java shines brightest in language popularity | JavaWorld

More like this The enterprise platform again tops both the Tiobe and PyPL indexes thanks to changes that close the gap with functional programming languages Email a friend From Sorry Java's popularity keeps climbing and climbing. Once again, Java leads both the Tiobe and PyPL indexes . But this month, Java climbed above a 20 percent rating in the Tiobe index, which gauges popularity based on a formula that assesses searches on languages in multiple search engines. [ See InfoWorld's full coverage of Java at 20: The programming juggernaut rolls on | The JVM, Java's other big legacy | Its successes, failures, and future | How Java changed programming forever | Keep up with hot topics in app dev with InfoWorld's Application Development newsletter . ] Java's rating was 20.403 percent, the first time it had reached a level exceeding 20 percent since July 2009. Java's Tiobe rating was 19.543 percent in October, and it has increased more than 6 percentage points in the past year.

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