(10) What do you think of CodePair by HackerRank? - Quora

(10) What do you think of CodePair by HackerRank? - Quora

In short though, it does a bunch of things that I don't care about and doesn't do the things I want. (This is not, however, to say that it doesn't do what other people want. It just doesn't do what I want.)

Things I don't care about that it has
I don't really care about syntax highlighting and code execution. They're sort of a distraction to me.

Look, I don't care if someone has their syntax quite right. Does a linked list in Java use add, append, enqueue, insert, or push? I have no idea, and I don't really care if you do either.

It's also not really realistic to write 100% runnable code in many situations. What, are you going to call your ready-made Trie library with the English language built in?

Offering syntax highlighting and code execution makes candidates feel like syntactically correct code matters. It doesn't.

Thus, offering these features (especially code execution) is a very slight negative to me. I would probably turn them off if it offered this ability.

Additionally, if this is a phone interview being given to screen for an onsite interview, I'd like the phone interview to be as much like an in-person interview as possible. An in-person interview doesn't have syntax highlighting or code execution, so why should a phone interview?

Things I care about that it doesn't have:
You know what I get frustrated by in a phone interview? The lack of a whiteboard.

I want to be able to go up to the whiteboard and just quickly draw a diagram. Drawing by hand is easy! I can draw a table, and then draw an arrow coming off it, and then some text underneath that, and then a binary tree branching off of it. Wheeeeee!

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