The big search upgrade -- and how Amazon could beat Google at its own game | VentureBeat | Big Data | by Ivan Bercovich, Graphiq

The big search upgrade -- and how Amazon could beat Google at its own game | VentureBeat | Big Data | by Ivan Bercovich, Graphiq

Guest The big search upgrade — and how Amazon could beat Google at its own game Image Credit: Anthony Ryan, Flickr Despite the tremendous technological innovation we've witnessed over the past two decades (smartphones, cloud computing, social networks), search interfaces and their underlying mechanics have remained fairly stagnant. The familiar portals of the early naughts are largely what we see today: empty text boxes, user-typed queries and blue-link responses that point users to web pages or documents. We think of search as being a "state-of-the-art" product — an index that can provide answers on anything. But think about it. Isn't it strange that some people are "good" at Googling, as if it's a skill? If this were a human-to-human interaction and I asked my "smart" friend a question, I wouldn't have to be "good" at asking questions to get the information I needed. She's smart, she can infer what I'm saying, regardless of how I phrase it. If I'm ambiguous,

Read full article from The big search upgrade -- and how Amazon could beat Google at its own game | VentureBeat | Big Data | by Ivan Bercovich, Graphiq

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