Know Your Sorting Algorithm | Set 1 (Sorting Weapons used by Programming Languages) - GeeksforGeeks

Know Your Sorting Algorithm | Set 1 (Sorting Weapons used by Programming Languages) - GeeksforGeeks

Ever wondered how sort() function we use in C++/Java or sorted() in Python work internally?

Here is a list of all the inbuilt sorting algorithms of different programming languages and the algorithm they use internally.

  1. C's qsort() – Quicksort

    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(N2)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(log N)
    • Stable- Depends on the implementation of the comparator function
    • Adaptive- No
  2. C++'s sort() – Introsort (Hybrid of Quicksort, Heap Sort and Insertion Sort)
    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(logN)
    • Stable- No
    • Adaptive- No
  3. C++'s stable_sort() – Mergesort
    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(N)
    • Stable- Yes
    • Adaptive- Yes
  4. Java 6's Arrays.sort() – Quicksort
    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(N2)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(logN)
    • Stable- Depends
    • Adaptive- No
  5. Java 7's Arrays.sort() – Timsort (Hybrid of Mergesort and Insertion Sort)
    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(N)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(N)
    • Stable- Yes
    • Adaptive- Yes
  6. Java's Collections.sort() – Mergesort
    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(N)
    • Stable- Yes
    • Adaptive- Yes
  7. Python's sorted() – Timsort (Hybrid of Mergesort and Insertion Sort)
    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(N)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(N)
    • Stable- Yes
    • Adaptive- Yes
  8. Python's sort() – Timsort (Hybrid of Mergesort and Insertion Sort)
    • Best Case Time Complexity- O(N)
    • Average Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Worse Case Time Complexity- O(NlogN)
    • Auxiliary Space- O(N)
    • Stable- Yes
    • Adaptive- Yes

Read full article from Know Your Sorting Algorithm | Set 1 (Sorting Weapons used by Programming Languages) - GeeksforGeeks

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