Minimum number of swaps required for arranging pairs adjacent to each other - GeeksforGeeks

Minimum number of swaps required for arranging pairs adjacent to each other - GeeksforGeeks

Minimum number of swaps required for arranging pairs adjacent to each other There are n-pairs and therefore 2n people. everyone has one unique number ranging from 1 to 2n. All these 2n persons are arranged in random fashion in an Array of size 2n. We are also given who is partner of whom. Find the minimum number of swaps required to arrange these pairs such that all pairs become adjacent to each other. Example: Input: n = 3 pairs[] = {1->3, 2->6, 4->5} // 1 is partner of 3 and so on arr[] = {3, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2} Output: 2 We can get {3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 2} by swapping 5 & 6, and 6 & 1 We strongly recommend you to minimize your browser and try this yourself first. The idea is to start from first and second elements and recur for remaining elements. Below are detailed steps/ 1) If first and second elements are pair, then simply recur for remaining n-1 pairs and return the value returned by recursive call. 2) If first and second are NOT pair, then there are two ways to arrange.

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