10 Practical Tips for Software Engineers

10 Practical Tips for Software Engineers

1. Be a rubber ducky, find a rubber ducky

Have you ever talked to someone about a problem then realized the solution as you were describing it? This happens all the time. Talking out loud often gives your mind clarity and organization around a problem. In scenarios like this, the person you are talking to is considered a rubber ducky. Everyone on your team should be open to being a rubber ducky and talking to one. Sometimes, if you're lucky, the rubber duckies will even offer good suggestions.

2. Get feedback fast

Try to get feedback on code as soon as it makes sense. If you're working on a Pull Request flow like we do at HubSpot, make some trivial change and open the PR as soon as you can so you have a place to discuss design and code. Talk to your rubber duckies and make them quack! It's cheaper to iterate on prototypes than a 'finished' product.

Depending on how your team is structured, this might mean not writing code at all initially. Mockups, designs on a whiteboard, etc. are a lot cheaper to throw out than hundreds of lines of code.

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