Buttercola: Zenefits: Validate a Directed Graph Tree

Buttercola: Zenefits: Validate a Directed Graph Tree

Understand the problem:If the graph is undirected graph, it would be the same as the Leetcode question : Graph Valid Tree. 

The corner case which need to be very careful is if the graph contains more than one connected components, i.e. multiple islands. In this case, the graph is not a valid tree because a tree can have one and only one root. 

The same role applies to the directed graph. For a directed graph, we can do a topological sorting. If a valid topological sorting exists, it means the graph does not contain a circle. 
But how to deal with multiple connected components? 

One solution is to calculate the in-degree for each node. For a valid tree, there should be one and only one node with in-degree 0. If not, e.g. there are two nodes with in-degree 0, the graph must not be a valid tree. Then we can also do a topological sort from this root node, avoiding starting from each and every node. 

Read full article from Buttercola: Zenefits: Validate a Directed Graph Tree

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