Interesting Technologies in 2016

Interesting Technologies in 2016

4) Rust

Awful name aside, Rust looks like a very interesting language. Compiled, server side, multi-core, statically typed languages have really taken off recently (Scala, Java, Go, etc), and I suspect the same will happen for Rust.

It promises thread safety, reliability, and speed. The development of the language has happened at a breakneck pace, and it offers a great view for anyone who wants to see how a language is designed.

Admittedly, I will most likely not have time to use Rust much in 2016, but I suspect it's impact will be huge.

5) Decentralized User Management

Savvy Internet users want a single decentralized user management system. OpenID and eventually Mozilla Persona were going to be it, but unfortunately both have languished.

As much as I love 1Password, I hate that I have a separate username and password for every site that I visit.

Though there are many for-profit user management systems out there, I would love to see a successful open source (or rather, open protocol) one implemented and sustained.

Ironically enough, the sites that need secure, hardened, and peer reviewed user management (banks, investment firms, hospitals, and government agencies) are the ones least likely to implement it.

Read full article from Interesting Technologies in 2016

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