Google is building a better Android camera that can search what it sees - SlashGear

Google is building a better Android camera that can search what it sees - SlashGear

Integration of Google's "Visual Search" and the standard Android camera app may not be far off. You can download Google Goggles on its own - searching for images and their sources using your camera. You can also download the company's own "Google Camera" - the same as you'd find on a Nexus device. That may soon change. You may soon be able to search any item you can see with your camera on your Android device right out of the box. Today we're to understand - from an anonymous source, as it were - that Google may soon be releasing a new camera feature they've had in testing for some time. This feature would allow the user to use their standard Google Camera app to search for information based on what they're able to see - but more than that. The image above comes from the anonymous source as the rest of the information regarding camera features in this article. This newest integration of the tech would allow the user to outline the object they want to capture with their finger.

Read full article from Google is building a better Android camera that can search what it sees - SlashGear

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