Provide the Next Siblings Pointers in a Given Binary Tree | Algorithms

Provide the Next Siblings Pointers in a Given Binary Tree | Algorithms

by SJ · March 14, 2015 Objec­tive: - Given a binary tree with three point­ers left, right and nextSi­b­ling). Write the pro­gram to pro­vide the nextsi­b­ling pointers. Exam­ple: Pro­vide the Next Sib­lings Point­ers in a Given Binary Tree. Approach: Use Recur­sion. Start from the root, if root's left node is not null then make it point to the root's right child. check if root's nextsi­b­ling is not null, if NOT then make the next sib­ling of root's right node point to the root's nextsibling's left child. (In our exam­ple node 5 points node 6, as per our state­ment, Par­ent of node 5 is Node 2, next sib­ling of node 2 is node 3, and left child of node 2 is node 6, So Node 5 will points to Node 6 ) Code: Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Related Posts: Follow: Subscribe for New Posts ( No Spams!!) Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 14 other subscribers 203 queries in 0.921 seconds. Send to Email Address Email check failed,

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