Ford's Skipping the Trickiest Thing About Self-Driving Cars | WIRED

Ford's Skipping the Trickiest Thing About Self-Driving Cars | WIRED

SUBSCRIBE TensorFlow, Google's open source AI, signals big changes in hardware, too Date of Publication: 11.10.15. 7:00 am Slide: 1 / of 8 . Caption: Ford's working on autonomous capability with a fleet of self-driving Fusion hybrids. FORD Slide: 2 / of 8 . Caption: Each car has four LIDaR sensors to scan its surroundings. FORD Slide: 3 / of 8 . Caption: Ford's testing the cars around Dearborn, with plans to expand. FORD Slide: 4 / of 8 . Caption: In five years, it wants to offer a no kidding, fully autonomous car. FORD Slide: 5 / of 8 . Caption: What's funky is, Ford doesn't plan to build anything that will bridge the gap between that robo-vehicle, and what it's selling now. FORD Slide: 6 / of 8 . Caption: That's because it wants to avoid one of the trickiest obstacles in the world of autonomous driving: how to handle the transfer of control between computers and humans. FORD Advertisement Slide: 7 / of 8 . Caption: "Right now, there's no good answer,

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