Captain America Civil War Has a Huge Problem and Agents of SHIELD Has the Answer [UPDATED]

Captain America Civil War Has a Huge Problem and Agents of SHIELD Has the Answer [UPDATED]

Minor spoilers ahead... Two years ago, Agents of SHIELD was all about playing around with the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier which in turn threw in a couple of Agents of SHIELD easter eggs. In fact, the whole storyline of Agents of SHIELD season one was geared toward the events of the second Captain America movie. Because the plot of The Winter Soldier included the reveal that SHIELD had been taken over by the evil Nazi superscience organization Hydra, Agents of SHIELD was unable to move forward with its storyline until Winter Soldier came out and various shoes were allowed to drop. This led to months of delaying tactics. Advertisement But now, the shoe is on the other foot. (The shield is on the other arm?) Now it's Agents of SHIELD that has put the next Captain America movie in a bit of box. And unless Captain America 3 devotes some energy to picking up the storyline from Agents of SHIELD,

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