Google Translate brings Word Lens magic to Chinese

Google Translate brings Word Lens magic to Chinese

Mashable What's This? A man uses a Google vocal translate app on his smartphone during a Google promotion event at the City of Fashion and Design (Cite de la mode et du design) in Paris on November 4, 2014. Image: THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images Google's Translate app is one the most robust translation apps available. Beyond being able to translate 103 different languages, Google Translate has improved since its release with features like Word Lens , which uses your smartphone's camera and augmented reality to instantaneously translate written text. The app is getting some more improvements in its 5.0 update that enhance usability for people around the globe, which will be rolling out to users over the next couple days according to Google. Google Translate's offline mode is coming to iOS First, Google Translate's offline mode is coming to iOS and will now support Filipino, making it the 52nd language available in offline mode. To use a language in offline mode,

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