10 lines simple Java solution using recursion with explanation | LeetCode Discuss
public class Solution { private List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>(); public List<List<Integer>> findLeaves(TreeNode root) { helper(root); return res; } private int helper(TreeNode node){ if(null==node) return -1; int height= 1 + Math.max(helper(node.left), helper(node.right)); if(res.size()<height+1) res.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); res.get(height).add(node.val); // if need to actually remove the leaves, uncomment next line // node.left = node.right = null; return height; } }
For this question we need to take bottom-up approach. The key is to find the height of each node. Here the definition of height is:
The height of a node is the number of edges from the node to the deepest leaf. --CMU 15-121 Binary Trees
I used a helper function to return the height of current node. According to the definition, the height of leaf is 0. h(node) = 1 + max(h(node.left), h(node.right))
The height of a node is also the its index in the result list (res). For example, leaves, whose heights are 0, are stored in res[0]. Once we find the height of a node, we can put it directly into the result.
Thanks @adrianliu0729 for pointing out that my previous code does not actually remove leaves. I added one line node.left = node.right = null;
to remove visited nodes
There seems to be some debate over whether we need to actually "remove" leaves from the input tree. Anyway, it is just a matter of one line code. In the actual interview, just confirm with the interviewer whether removal is required.
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